Monday, September 12, 2016

In Which a Day That Begins with a Sublime Hibiscus Goes on to the Ridiculous

A dinner-plate-sized hibiscus has bloomed every year for the last 14 years on a spindly stalk that seems to have come with the house.
This year there are three more blossoms in process.  As I was sketching them in the back garden this morning Jesse moved behind the flower, and when I glanced up at him, this is what I saw:
Three baby steers calmly munching English ivy about twenty feet away on the edge of the hedgerow between our yard and the field.
These are very rough action drawings.  I especially like the steer scratching his face with his hind foot.
Eventually the three settled down and I spent a while drawing them as they rested in the shade near the broken style that they had escaped through.
I don't mind at all  having them back there, but I eventually called campus security and the farm manager showed up and nudged them back into the pasture and propped up the style.
Here are a couple more drawings of cud-chewing babies.
Then at mid-afternoon I went downtown to check out the political rally and its protesters .  My plan was to draw people.
That was fun, but I soon made a sign andjoined  the protest!  And when the rally started and  the police told us protesters they were letting people in without tickets, we went in.  A very surreal event!

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